The second argument strictly matches a non-alphanumeric string followed by a space followed by an integer followed by another space and finally a real number. 第二个参数严格匹配一个非字母和数字组成的字符串,该字符串后面依次为空格、整数、另一个空格,最后是一个实数。
The split method then returns an array holding the strings that resulted from separating the given string into substrings, as delimited by the space character. 然后,split方法返回一个数组,其中保存了根据空格字符将给定字符串分割成子字符串的结果。
In particular, the date is one continuous string with no separating space between the date and the time parts. 尤其是,日期是一种连续字符串,在日期和时间这两个部分之间没有分割空白。
The second for loop also shows how to split a string into a list of substrings ( using the space character to indicate the boundaries of substrings). 第二个for循环还显示了如何将string分割为子字符串的list(使用空格字符来指示子字符串的边界)。
The strncpy_from_user function copies a string from user space into a kernel buffer, given a user space source address and max length. strncpyfromuser函数将一个字符串从用户空间复制到一个内核缓冲区,给定一个用户空间源地址和最大长度。
Replace sequences of white-space within the string with a single space. 在字符串内使用单空格替换连续的空白。
If you try to call the split method on your string, it will split on a whitespace character ( like the space). 如果试着在string上调用split方法,它会在空白字符(例如空格)处进行拆分。
When the server decodes the string, any+ character is reverted to a space. 当服务器对这个字符串进行解码时,任何+字符都会被还原成一个空格。
Arrayed within are an impressive string of designs which placed the Russian people in the vanguard of space exploring nations. 里面排列着一系列使俄国成为航天领域领先国家的感人至深的作品。
In a character string, to reduce the space taken on a data medium by repetitive characters. 减少字符串中由于字符的重复出现而占据的数据媒体空间。
No container clause/ string specified. Define it for the newly defined table space. 未指定任何容器子句/字符串。请为新定义的表空间指定容器子句/字符串。
This hack works because SQL Server allows you to string together multiple SQL statements separated by either a semicolon or a space. 此攻击会起作用,是因为SQLServer允许您将多条SQL语句(用分号或空格分隔)串联在一起。
Selection of insulator type, number of insulator string and air space is the main basis of transmission line insulation coordination. 输电线路的绝缘配合主要是选择绝缘子型式、绝缘子串的片数和空气间隙。
To enter a zero-length string in the field, type two double quotation marks without a space in between(″ ″). 若要在字段中输入零长度字符串,请键入中间不带空格的双引号(〃〃)。
Besides, prestressed beams are adopted in below string bars, which can make section area smaller and make building space saved. 且下弦杆采用预应力梁,使整个结构体系的杆件截面更小、更节省建筑空间。
If you are dealing with the formatted string, you need to pay special attention to the blank space issue. 如果正在处理已格式化的字符串,则需要特别注意空格问题。
Applicable for hanging the casing string, sealing the annular space between the casings. Structure: integral or multi layers. 用来固定井口、悬挂井下管柱、密封和控制管柱间的环形空间,结构形式:分体式或整体式。
Whereas a classical violin string will vibrate no matter what the properties of space and time are, a quantum string is more finicky. 古典的提琴弦不管时空的性质如何都可振动,但量子弦可就挑剔多了。
This text used the average string in the three-dimensional space to establish the assess damaged efficiency account model for the missile, and then used the model to account and analysis an example. 建立了评定导弹战斗部对不规则目标毁伤效率的三维平均弦法计算模型,并运用该模型进行了实例计算和分析。
An added bonus is that, as a string moves in time, it warps the fabric of space around it, producing black holes, wormholes, and other exotic solutions of Einstein's equations. 另外一个好处是,由于时间字符串动作,它弯曲周围的空间结构,产生黑洞,虫洞,和爱因斯坦方程的其他外来的解决方案。
Beam string structures are a new type of space structure, which composed of strings, struts and moment-resistant elements such as beams and, arches. 张弦梁结构是由弦、撑杆和抗弯受压构件组合而成的新型结构体系,是通过在弦中施加预应力来改善抗弯受压构件受力性能的自平衡体系。
A Multiple String Matching Algorithm Based on Space Compression 基于存储压缩的多模式串匹配算法
The hybridized space structures, such as the beam string structure and suspen-dome, are the pretensioned space structure composed of beams, tensional cables and struts, in which the prestress-controlling analysis is the key problem. 杂交空间结构(如张弦梁、弦支穹顶)是指由梁、压杆、张力索组成的预应力空间结构体系,预应力施工控制分析是其关键。
With respect to large scale exact string matching, two optimization strategies were proposed: compressing the memory space of automata to achieve a better cache performance and rearranging the states of automata to improve its locality. 在大规模精确串匹配方面,本文分别从压缩存储空间和改善数据结构局部性这两方面出发,提出了基于存储压缩的串匹配算法和对串匹配自动机进行内存布局优化的策略。
String Models and the Geometry of Mapping Space 弦模型及映射空间的几何
Because of its lightweight, its reasonableness of the force on mechanics, and its strong expressive force in architecture, the beam string structure develops to one of the good space structure systems gradually. 由于其自重轻、力学上受力合理、建筑的表现力强等特点,而逐步发展为优良结构体系之一。
Finally, the thesis will discuss the selection of step length, string space and radius of spherical cutter in the three coordinate axes and two axes linked machining center based on the practice of NC machining for revolution surface parts. 本文还通过旋转曲面零件的数控加工实践,对二坐标联动加工时直线插补步长、行距及球刀半径的选择进行了探讨。
The reversing v Beam String Structure generally used in space structure with large span. Since its higher arch, it has the same problem of destabilization under stress just like the normal steel structure. 人字型张弦梁一般应用在较大跨度空间结构中,又由于其起拱较高,与普通钢结构一样存在受力失稳的问题。
Beam String Structures is a new kind of space structure and a kind of typical soft hybrid system. 张弦梁结构是一种新型空间结构形式,是大跨度空间结构中一种典型的刚柔杂交体系。